Bohdan Zadura | Poland
Bohdan Zadura (b. 18 February 1945 in Pulawy) – poet, prose writer, literary critic. He translates Ukrainian, Belarusian, Hungarian, Russian, and English literature. Among others, he has translated works by Yuri Andrukhovych, Andriy Bondar, Andriy Lubka, Vasyl Slapchuk). He graduated in philosophy from the University of Warsaw. He debuted in 1962 in the monthly “Kamena”. Between 1970-77 he was employed at the Kazimierz Dolny museum, between 1977-80 he was the literary manager of the Lublin-based theatre Tear Wizji i Ruchu (Theatre of vision and Movement), between 1980-2004 he worked as an editor for the literary magazine “Akcent”. From 1983-2004, he was the editor of the literary monthly “Twórczość” and between 2004-2020 its editor-in-chief. He has co-founded The East Central European Cultural Foundation “Akcent” and serves as its vice chairman. He has won many awards: in 1994, he received the Stanisław Piętak Award and in 2018 he won the Lublin City Artistic Award for his rich and varied literary output as well as outstanding achievements in the field of translation.