Workshops of Culture are joining #LightforBelarus

25 March is the anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Republic of Belarus. On this day, Belarus celebrates an unofficial event not recognised by Alexander Lukashenko’s regime but kept alive by the Belarusian society, particularly the democratic opposition. To show our solidarity and support for our Belarusian neighbours who have been brave and determined in vocally calling for their democratic rights since August last year, Workshops of Culture are joining the nationwide initiative #LightForBelarus.

For many years, Workshops of Culture have supported and promoted Belarusian culture,  for instance, at festivals. On 25 March, visit our Facebook channels, where you will be able to watch concerts by Belarusian artists performing at East of Culture – Different Sounds, and listen to audio dramas and excerpts of Belarusian prose (performed, among others, by Jarosław Zoń and actors from Lublin). Moreover, Kultura Enter will feature articles about the most recent Belarusian poetry from 2020  seen in the light of civil protests and Galina Grabarczuk’s report on the situation in Brest. Courtesy of Wschodni Express Studio, you will also watch an interview with Belarusian writers and a film about the beginnings of the persecution of Belarusian opposition members. We will recall the special issue of Kultura Enter: “Solidarnie z Białorusią” / “Solidarity with Belarus”.

On the occasion of the Belarusian Freedom Day and the accompanying #LightForBelarus campaign, you will be able to buy books by Belarusian authors published in the Wschodni Express series with a 40% discount.

Flaga Białorusi. Napisy #LightForBelarus oraz # ŚwiatłoDlaBiałorsu. Po prawej stronie palce ułożone w znak wolności

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Workshops of Culture’s Facebook Page

East of Culture – Different Sounds’ Facebook Page

Wschodni Express’ Facebook Page:

Kultura Enter’s Facebook Page:

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