Olga Świncicka | Poland
Olga Świncicka (Olha Svintsitska), b.1992 – educator, speech and language therapist. A graduate of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. She’s a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Lublin. She has acquired professional experience in Lublin, working with children, teenagers, and adults with various speech disorders. For many years she was the coordinator of one of the Lublin-based communities “Wiara i światło” / lit. Faith and Light that focuses on working with people with intellectual disabilities. She currently works at the Private Primary School for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders “Przystanek Szkoła” in Cracow. The book “Riki ii Drogi” / “Riki and ways” has been her debut in literary translations and a very interesting experience.