Obrazki litewskie | Herkus Kunčius
There are always many things to see and understand in our ephemeral reality. Over time, some events fall into oblivion, others are reborn with myths or legends. Today, no one can honestly say what the world looked like one hundred years ago or earlier, because history likes to lie and modernity tempts us to choose our own ways.
The novel consists of seven separate stories. They are connected by the historical figures who stayed in Lithuania for a longer or shorter time. They were the Russian Tsar Peter I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Hannibal Lecter, Mikhail Gorbachev and Princess Caroline of Monaco.

It is a charming and funny book. Humour and irony are interwoven with a sense of distance from oneself. From Lithuanian history and identity. Herkus describes real and imaginary Lithuanian sojourns of significant historical figures in seven vignettes. It is about Tsar Peter I, Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, Hannibal Lecter, Gorbachev and the Princess of Monaco.
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