Herkus Kunčius | Lithuania
Herkus Kunčius (b. 1965 in Vilnius) — prose writer, essayist, playwright, author of radio plays. A graduate of Vilnius Art Academy. He worked as an editor and art critic in culture magazines such as “Krantas” and “Literatūra ir menas”. The author of about 20 volumes of prose translated into different languages, such as English, Danishm German, Russian, Slovenian, Swedish. In Poland, his texts have appeared in such magazines as “literatura na świecie”, “Tekstualia” and “Korespndencja z ojcem”. Stand-alone books published in Polish include “Mano kova bambino” (2001) and “A Lithuanian in Vilnius”(2014). Kuncius is a board member of the Jerzy Giedroyć Polish-Lithuanian Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation. Between 2011-2015 he served as the chairman of the Lithuanian PEN Club. The winner of many literary awards. In 2019, he received the Silver Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland for contributions to Polish-Lithuanian cultural cooperation.