Julia Cimafiejeva | Belarus
(b. 1982 near Brahin) – poet, translator, co-founder and editor of the online literary magazine “PrajdziSvet” (prajdzisvet.org). The author of poetry collections “The Book of Mistakes” (2014) and “Circus” (2016). Her poems have been translated into English, Swedish, German, Czech, Ukrainian and others. She has won the “Exlibris” contest for young authors, organised by The Belarusian Writers’ Union. Her volume “The Book of Mistakes” was short-listed for the Debut Literary Prize. In 2008, along with other translators, she won the Debut Prize for translating Charles Bukowski. She took part in literary festivals in Lithuania, Ukraine and Slovenia,The Czech Republic, Sweden and Belarus. She was a resident at the Baltic Centre of Writers and Translators (2013,2017).