Siarhiej Pryłucki – “Patriotyzm dla opornych”| Launches September 2020

Kim Chun Ho alias Siarhiej Pryłucki “Patriotyzm dla opornych” (trans. Bohdan Zadura)

The book is a collection of Kim Chun Ho’s poems translated from North Korean by Siarhiej Przyłucki. It’s not entirely known whether Kim Cun Ho is the author’s real name or an alias. Moreover, nobody knows what the poet looks like, where he was born and raised. The translator claims that North Korean authorities sentenced him to death. Siarhiej Prłylucki re-enacts the role of a North Korean poet like a performance. Truth and fiction have a common denominator and that’s the author.

Siarhiej Pryłucki (b. 1980 in Brest) – Belarusian poet, prose writer and translator (From English, Polish and Ukrainian  – he translated, among other. W.H Auden, Wisława Szymborska, Andrzej Bursa, Irena Karpa). A fellow of the Homines Urbani scholarship programme in the Cracow Villa Decius (2007) and Gaude Polonia (2013). He’s the author of poetry volumes: Dziewianostyja forever (2008), Hieroj epochi stabilnaści (2014), Patryjatyzm dla czajnikau (2016), Dałou darosłych (2017). He is a triple finalist of the Belarussian PEN Club contest for young writers, while his book Dehienieratyuny słounik (2014), published under the pseudonym Siroshka Pistonchyk, was a nominee for Jerzy Giedroyć Award in 2014.

Patriotyzm dla Opornych