Andrij Saveneć | Ukraine
(b. 1977) – translator, scholar. A graduate of the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University and the European College of Polish and Ukrainian Universities in Lublin. He completed his PhD at John Paul II Catholic Uni,versity of Lublin, where he currently works. He also teaches Ukrainian at the Paderewski Private School. The author of the monograph “Poetry in Translation:” Ukrainian “Szymborska” (2006). Co-editor of the Report on the Condition of Culture and NGOs in Ukraine (2013).
His translations into Ukrainian include novels by Ernest Heingway and Salman Rushdie, a selection of Wisława Szymborska’s poems “Wersja wydarzeń” (Version of Events, 2005) and “Może to wszystko” (“Maybe it is”, 2011,2012) and also “A poem about Lublin” by Józef Czechowicz (2005). He translated and selected poems for the Polish-Ukrainian collection “Lublin z dala, Lublin z bliska” (2017). Co-editor of the series Wschodni Express for which he translated Yurko Gudz’s narrative poem “Barykady na Chresti” (2014), a selection of Mykola Riabchuk’s essays “Poprzednie życie” (Previous Life, 2018) and “Worochtarium” (2019) – a conversation between three friends: Jurij Andruchowycz, Ołeksandr Bojczenko and Orest Drul.